
Practical Post Scarcity – Video

This is a well-made explanation of artificial material scarcity and how it can be addressed by open source economic development:

Practical Post-Scarcity from Open Source Ecology on Vimeo.

Practical Post Scarcity from Open Source Ecology on Vimeo.

This is the core of Open Source Ecology’s work on the Global Village Construction Set. Scenes from hay baling onwards are developments taking place at Factor e Farm in Missouri, USA. This is part of going the last mile on the construction toolkit part of the Global Village construction set.

We are busy preparing the Civilization Starter Kit DVD. The latest need is professional fabrication drawings – the step beyond documenting the complete fabrication procedure. See sample fabrication drawing – a compact, information-packed format. Compare this to a sample fabrication procedure on the CEB press, which is much more expanded. We currently have complete 3D CAD of the CEB Press, and most of the Tractor and Pulverizer. The Power Cube is primarily in Sketchup.

If you can help us on the fabrication drawings, starting with the CEB press – let us know. We would like this to be done by Dec. 25. 2011.  We are looking for volunteers or paid professionals. The Kickstarter funding can be allocated for this purpose as needed. The timing is tight. While we will have full fabrication procedures, we don’t know if professional fabrication drawings will be done by Christmas. In that case, they will be added as soon as they are generated – as we would like to make replication as straightforward as possible. The professional fabrication drawings are what one can hand over to a metal fabricator to produce a machine anywhere in the world where fabrication shops exist. This capacity is worth millions, so help us share that with the world. Email me at opensourceecology at gmail dot com to help.


  1. anon

    Best introductory/promotional video yet I think.

  2. Barney Pell

    This is truly exciting and important work. I’m impressed by the vision and the execution. Thanks for all you are doing.

  3. neodynos

    Ah, folks, just GREAT! This is how stuff should be explained, really made an impression on me. I’ll henceforth recommend this clip as the 5 min positive and uplifting answer to Chris Martenson’s depressing “The Crash Course” series f videos …

  4. robert merrill

    lots and lots of project ready plans

  5. Charles Yuditsky

    Oddly enough as a libertarian militiaman I see the concepts and technologies being developed here as essential to the liberation of just about all humans. Naturally the machine-set being developed here could be used for the manufacture of war material. This of course would be a trrible waste. Humans, however, even under the best of material circumstances, have a penchant for disagreement, disunity and homicidal conflict. It cannot be ignored. It should be noted that even in a highly egalitarian, production-based world that exists for both profit and mutual benefit, there will always be dominant fools who seek to use organized force to take from others and control a given population. You can disagree that evil exists, but this is plain evil. It is imperitive that the civilization that will develop from the Factor e farm develop a means of inital defense and a plan to convert production to provide defensive war material if the (unfortunate) need for effective military hardware should arise, while at the same time prevent the development of a dominant political class and its supporting mercenary arm. War is sad, slavery is sadder. People worthy of the title “Protector” prevent slavery.

    Some of my militia buddies were impressed with the videos untill one of them shouted “the’re Communists!” to which I replied “Communists are not out for the distrobution of earned profit.” Kinda shut them up for a bit.

  6. Charles Yuditsky

    Oddly enough as a libertarian militiaman I see the concepts and technologies being developed here as essential to the liberation of just about all humans. Naturally the machine-set being developed here could be used for the manufacture of war material. This of course would be a trrible waste. Humans, however, even under the best of material circumstances, have a penchant for disagreement, disunity and homicidal conflict. It cannot be ignored. It should be noted that even in a highly egalitarian, production-based world that exists for both profit and mutual benefit, there will always be dominant fools who seek to use organized force to take from others and control a given population. You can disagree that evil exists, but this is plain evil. It is imperitive that the civilization that will develop from the Factor e farm develop a means of inital defense and a plan to convert production to provide defensive war material if the (unfortunate) need for effective military hardware should arise, while at the same time prevent the development of a dominant political class and its supporting mercenary arm. War is sad, slavery is sadder. People worthy of the title “Protector” prevent slavery.

    Some of my militia buddies were impressed with the videos untill one of them shouted “the’re Communists!” to which I replied “Communists are not out for the distrobution of earned profit.” Kinda shut them up for a bit.

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