We have created a Crowdmap to leverage the contributions of people worldwide who are helping bring the GVCS to completion. The point of the Crowdmap is to create a repository of information – collected via micro-contributions of content from people worldwide – which can subsequently be mined by GVCS project developers for useful development support. We encourage this to be used as a dumping ground of potentially relevant information – which can then be refined and filtered.
The focus of the Crowdmap is to:
* Identify potential developers and collaborators – all the subject matter experts, prototypers, managers, fabricators, CAD designers, reviewers, funders, and other potential supporters according to our Open Source Product Development Process
* Identify sourcing information, especially for hard to find parts like Steam engine piston rings.
* Identify other supporting information that can aid in the development of the 50 GVCS Technologies
See more information on this on our wiki and start contributing content. This is an easy route for contributing, and it can produce useful information that our Development Team can use.