
LifeTrac Control Valves Instructional

Instructional video on the connection of LifeTrac valves to motors, cylinders, and Power Cubes.

In order to make our videos more accessible, going forward we will be uploading to both Vimeo and automatically transcodes media into a variety of formats (quicktime, h.264 & ogg). We hope this option will make it easier to not only watch our videos, but also to edit & remix them.

You can follow & participate in our video documentation efforts on the wiki. See especially Video Documentation Best Practices. We hope to get to the point where these instructional videos can be crowd-sourced and produced remotely, but the size of source video files & all the competing formats make it rather tricky. If you have any suggestions to simplify the workflow (Final Cut Pro + Git, anyone?) please get in touch!


  1. Chuck

    Nicely done! Good ideas with Archive &alternate formats, too.
    -Could you check the last section on adjusting pressure relief? It looked to me as if you were turning the locknut rather than the adjustment screw.

  2. Phil Rockwell

    In an effort to raise money and spread information about this project, I think you can make a deal with The History Channel or National Geographic Channel to get paid to provide programming to them concerning this project. Such a deal!!
    Many programmers and engineers that began their careers in the late sixties are now retired and may enjoy offering their services to support this project. Just some thoughts.

    Phil Rockwell

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