
Interns come home

Days 20-22


OSE interns who travelled to host the CEB Press-building workshop this past week stayed in Custer, Wis., until Sunday morning to enjoy more of the Midwest Renewable Energy Fair.


At the fair, they visited workshops on everything from how to responsibly consume wind energy to how to grow mushrooms in your backyard. A few of the interns also brought home starters for kombucha and yoghurt, which two of the presenters were giving away to people at their workshops.


After rocking out to the reggae band that played that night, the interns loaded up their tents, sleeping bags and camping gear into the van and drove 12 hours back to Maysville, Mo.


Last week at the farm


While most interns were away, Brenna Fitzpatrick, Danny Kirk and Gabriel Elkind finsihed installing side panels on one of the Solar Cabins. On top of beautifying the farm, Brenna and Gabriel also built a tool for screen-printing.


Gabriel Elkind (left) and Brenna Fitzpatrick make a silk screen printer.

Gabriel Elkind (left) and Brenna Fitzpatrick make a silk screen printer.


Brenna and Gabriel also finished beautifying the Solar Cabin (shown above).

Brenna and Gabriel also finished exterior work on the Solar Cabin (shown above).

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