
Instructional Video on Documentation Procedure

As my dedicated project visit comes to an end I am passing on my process for creating instructional videos on the GVCS fabrication and assembly procedures. I hope this information is useful to future documentarians at Factor E Farm and for videos editors all over the globe interested in working on this revolutionary project.

It would be great if others could further refine the format I have developed. I think a start would be to make an animation of the logo to stamp on the beginning of each video with an original sound bite. I like the music style we have established and the quick editing pace. With each video I have been incorporating more still frames and diagrams with measurements, that is also an excellent feature to further incorporate in future videos.



  1. DreamBuilder

    Ian thank you. I have even more appreciation for Instructional Videos now that some of the editing complexity has been revealed. Exciting career field you have and as you know it has important teaching potential. Subjects come come ‘alive’ in such a practical manner.

  2. Bragi Halldórsson

    It is now possible to put a button to post directly to Diaspora from any Word Press blog, you souled consider to putt it along the other “post to” options on you’re site.

    Bragi Halldorsson

  3. Bragi Halldórsson
  4. Matt

    Should post the scripts as well. It’s much easier to pour over a text document for reference than to watch a film 20 times and have to fast forward to a certain part of the process for review. Is this already somewhere on the wiki?

  5. Jacob Dalton

    Thanks for the video Ian. I think there’s a superior way to get videos from Youtube though. I use Greasemonkey plus the script YousableTubeFix which allows you to directly download the files in multiple formats without going through a third party website.

    Greasemonkey (for Firefox):
    YousabletubeFix script:

  6. Tahiya Marome

    VERY helpful. Just one more bit, if you have that written script and you are YouTubing, go ahead and use YouTube’s captioning feature to make your video accessible to the deaf community or anyone else who needs captioning. The added advantage of captioning is it makes your video searchable by topics.

  7. Documentary Trailer | Factor E Farm Blog

    […] Ian Midgley’s trailer is out on his documentary, You Are God. Check it out – it’s moving. […]

  8. […] for Ian Midgley’s documentary, You Are […]

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