
Inga is learning to build walls, vaults, domes with earth bricks

Do you want to watch me? Yes you can!

Sunday, June 14th at 5:30 a.m. Austrian time Erich Schneider and I take off in his mobile home for the University in Kassel, Germany for another adventure in Inga’s already colorful life.

If you have not watched this great video on how to build vaults and domes by Prof. Dr. Gernot Minke yet, now’s the time and here’s the link:

Erich and I will document as much as possible by taking videos of most of the real, hands-on work. My father was an architect and construction engineer (Bauingenieur) and hopefully some of his building genes have found their way into my system. Next week will certainly tell.

Stay tuned, more to come…..

1 Comment

  1. Franz

    Inga, this is a great and important step that you are taking. I think Gernot Minke will be celebrated as a great teacher not jealously guarding a little knowledge he “sells” to individual students, but freely giving away because he simply knows he can only win by being acknowledged as the abundant source.

    I remember in 1994 being at the Parc Bit Competition, when 10 architectural firms presented their groundbreaking designs for a Balearic Information Parc in Mallorca. I had the great honor of being a member of the jury, but I was also a little bit naive at that time.

    So I took one of the first of this brand new Sharp viewcam Hi8 cameras with me to Mallorca, that I had lended from Neil Curtis, an Austrian media designer, who generously lended me his then 3-month salary worth baby.

    I sat in the presentation and did the best possible documentation, trying to capture every detaqil of this groundbreaking event that would enlighten mankind. My excitement did not last very long, because after two hours I was called by Andres Font, the project manager of this fantastic competition of 10 of the best architectural companies in the world struggling for the initial shaping of Global Villages.

    Mr. Font who was usually very friendly looked at me with very cold and seemingly stressed eyes. He probably had faced some hard criticism for what I did. He just said: “I want the tape” and nothing else. I gave it to him and never saw it again….

    So I learned the hard way that it is always good to ask permission first,

    We have come a long ways since the time of my great-grandfather who told my father when he was young: “You are allowed to steal, but only with your eyes”….

    PS: Mr. Font, if you read this: do you still have the tape?

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