4 Years of Factor e Farm
Factor e Farm, our land-based facility for Global Village Construction Set development, has now been alive for 4 years. We encountered the place as an empty soybean field abused by commercial agriculture. This video shows in 4 minutes what has happened...
Early Adopters
Meet Dave Garrett, who is an early adopter and a True Fan. He dropped in for a surprise visit from 350 miles away – so we could finally meet in person while we were doing our modular CEB construction. Dave is supporting our work by a purchase order...
GVCS Technical Development Process
Continuing with Proposal 2011 for the rapid deployment of the remaining 39 GVCS technologies in a rapid, parallel fashion by year-end 2011 – here is an overview of the Technical Development Process, which is applicable to the development of each...
Karl Hess on Alternative Technology
This clip is a very concise and well-spoken discussion on technology for meeting true human needs. Its clarity blew me away. The video should be updated to the possibility of creating modern, small scale industrial economies that can be replicated inexpensively...
Economy in a Box
We were invited to present at the Bay Area Community Exchange (BACE) Roundtable on Tuesday, June 15, 7 PM, at Noisebridge. BACE focuses on the creation of alternative means of exchange in the San Francisco Bay Area. I will present a talk titled, Economy...
Bootstrapping and Dedicated Project Visits
We are currently in the phase of fabrication optimization for the high performance, open source, Compressed Earth Brick (CEB) press. This is our route to financial bootstrapping of the research and development efforts. We are looking for people interested...
Open Source Induction Furnace Continued
The open source induction furnace project discussed previously is moving forward. We are currently evaluating bids, as you can see at the induction furnace project management site. This marks a point in our organizational history where we are beginning...
Gaia University
One perk of life at Factor e Farm is that you run into some really interesting people. Liora and Andrew Langford, co-founders of Gaia University and also True Fans, visited yesterday. We covered lots of ground on collaboration between OSE and Gaia U....
Dear True Fans: Land Stewardship
Dear True Fans, The next major step to take for Factor e Farm is to put the land in a trust – for creating a permanent site of human heritage. The goal of creating the world’s first, replicable, post-scarcity resilient community is more...
Exciting Times: Nearing Product Release
We are starting biweekly OSE Global Conference Calls – beginning Wednesday, October, 14, at 11:00 AM GMT-6 (Central USA time zone). Why? Because we are nearing critical decision forks in this open source project. Read on. These are exciting times...