CEB Press: Building on RepRap and Arduino
The CEB automation for the Liberator Beta 2.0 open source CEB press builds on other open source projects. We are using: (1), power drivers from the RepRap project for driving the solenoid valves; (2), Arduino as the controller-brain for the brick-pressing...
Fabrication Ergonomics Continued
Here we continue to document the fabrication ergonomics from where we left off on the Compressed Eearth Brick (CEB) press. Transfer punch and drill holes for frame – 3 hours. Mount the arms – 1.5 hours. Build soil-loading drawer – 3...
Fabrication Ergonomics
We’re now in production of the open source, Compressed Earth Block (CEB) press. Here we document the fabrication ergonomics for the first steps in the build. This is for those of you considering replication. It took 11.5 hours to cut the steel for...
Open Source Torch Table
Lawrence has finalized the open source torch table design, after 11 days at Factor e Farm. Today, we are preparing the workshop space and he’s putting together the frame. Our goal is to complete the prototype in the stated 30 day period. The design...
Power Cube – Prototype I Complete
Power Cube is our open source, self-contained, modular, interchangeable, hydraulic power unit for all kinds of power equipment. It has an 18 hp gasoline engine coupled to a hydraulic pump, and it will later be be powered by a flexible-fuel modern steam...
Torch Table: Day 1
As we go about finishing the CEB workshop addition, we are setting up our open source torch table development in the greenhouse. It’s been a long time since we started this development – but building the open source tractor and other details...
Open Source CEB Press Production Run Results
We have demonstrated a production rate of 4 bricks per minute in our first test production runs. We ran the CEB machine with 3 people, low-medium throttle on LifeTrac, about 12 gallon per minute hydraulic flow, a hydraulic pressure of 2200 psi, and a...
Solar Turbine – Commentary on Results
Friends, the latest developments on the Solar Turbine project, outside of the documentation clips in Factor e Live 6 and Factor e Live 7, are ambitious. We are presently leaning to mirrors and a modern, high-recirculation ratio uniflow steam engine as...
Solar Turbine, Cast of Characters, and CEB Press
Stuart, Elliot, and I are here on the Solar Turbine: For the next two weeks we will iron out the details – right now it looks like a set of 40 foot long, 2-foot wide slats – 4 of these in total – with 48x solar concentration. Cost is...
Rapid Prototyping for Industrial Swadeshi
There is a significant set of open source technologies available for rapid prototyping in small workshops. By combining 3D printing with low-cost metal casting, and following with machining using a computer controlled Multimachine, the capacity arises...