

Open Source Cold Saw – First Prototype Test

We have developed an open-source Cold Saw – a cutting machine that producesĀ  rapid, precise, dust-free, burr-free cuts that leave the material cool to the touch. Cold Saw Intro:   The Cold Saw’s CAD (computer-aided design) model displayed...

CNC Circuit Mill Prototype 1 Complete

The OSE CNC Circuit Mill Prototype I is now complete. While there are many CNC circuit mill designs available on the internet, ours aims to maximize modularity, scalability, and simplicity, and ease of fabrication – while adhering to OSE Specifications....

CEB Press: Generation 3 Electronics

Recently, the CEB Press electronics improved to the third major iteration, replacing Generation 2 electronics from September of this year. Generation 3 electronics consist of a revised solenoid driver boardĀ that eliminates the need for the Arduino breakout...