
Andrew Bateman: Factor e Farm Documenter

Andrew Bateman will be joining us Monday, April 16 – as the Factor e Farm Documenter. This will help us provide more regular reporting on Open Source Ecology work happening worldwide and at Factor e Farm.


Andrew’s work plan is shown on the wiki. Welcome to Andrew. If you have ideas or comments, you can email him at batebag at gmail dot com.


  1. May 1 Update | Factor E Farm Blog

    […] Andrew Bateman, our documenter-to-be – unfortunately did not make it from Canada due to visa issues. It seems that we need to apply for visa-granting status – as our audience is global. As such, we still need to recruit Factor e Farm Documenter. Factor e Farm Documenter We are recruiting a full-time, on-site documenter to start immediately. This is a crucial role, because as the pace of change quickens, we need to document everything that is happening to show the world. This is an on-site position at Factor e Farm in Missouri and includes accommodations. Fill out this form to apply – Factor e Farm Documenter Application, and Aaron will schedule an interview based on your work samples. […]

  2. Marcin

    Update: Andrew never did make it across the border from Canada due to Visa issues. We are currently recruiting a Documenation Team – – with a goal of recruiting 6 people by August 1, 2012. This is a full time job for us to do the recruiting – and our apologies for the lack of higher quality of video. In the meantime, we are vlogging extensively on our YouTube channel – several new videos each day –

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