
Open Source Tractor Prototype III

Sparks are flying in the workshop, and the Torch Table is ready for computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). Will is producing CAD and CAM files for the Tractor, from across the ocean, so we can cut tractor parts automatically:

Here is an instructional on converting a DXF file to g-code.

Also, if someone wants to help on video editing, we have a large amount of material from the present production run. I won’t have much time to process it, and this is an item that lends itself to remote collaboration.


  1. Shonda

    I’m a student at a vo tech school for machine tool technology. Do you need any more work on solidmodels, I have some experience with solidworks and I’m learning freeCAD. I can also machine parts in the school shop (lathes, vert mills) if it would be of any use.


  2. Jacob

    I can help with editing the video footage. Where is the material stored?

  3. Marcin

    Comment from Will:

    If you create an account at you can upload up to 10 gigs of files and then create links where people can download the files from to work on. Then they can do the same and you can download their finished work…

    If you compress all the video files into .rar or .zip files that are no bigger than 2gigs they can be uploaded easily..

  4. Jacob

    Thanks, all signed up. If anyone has videos that need processing, send me a link to the content.

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