Archives for Aug,2012

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Open Source Dimensional Sawmill – First Test Run

We have built and run the Open Source Ecology Dimensional Sawmill for the first time. The Dimensional Sawmill allows you to turn logs into dimensional lumber. There are several other types of sawmills, such as the standard circular sawmill, chainsaw...

Recruiting – Master Prototyper & Machine Designers

Open Source Ecology is currently recruiting two key members to our team: a Master Prototyper and a Machine Designer. The pay is $4k/month for fully qualified candidates.  This is part of our work on the Global Village Construction Set (GVCS). To apply,...

Open Source Cold Saw – First Prototype Test

We have developed an open-source Cold Saw – a cutting machine that produces  rapid, precise, dust-free, burr-free cuts that leave the material cool to the touch. Cold Saw Intro:   The Cold Saw’s CAD (computer-aided design) model displayed...

Flash Mobs – Towards Extreme Collaboration

Our process for building the Global Village Construction Set is radically collaborative. It has to be – because the task is huge: an open source set of the 50 different industrial machines that it takes to build a small, sustainable civilization with...

Open Source Ironworker Machine – Prototype II Completed

Hello World, it’s Brianna again, with the final update on Ironworker Prototype II. You can see former work on Prototype I from 2 years ago. See the wiki for more details. The build of the Prototype II has been completed  with great success on some...